explore your knowledge
Module 1:  Introducing the Course
•   Meeting the Prerequisites
•   Understanding the Course Format
•   Reviewing the Course Outline
Module 2:  Introducing ColdFusion
•   Understanding Dynamic HTML generation
•   Introducing the ColdFusion Language
•   Introducing the ColdFusion Administrator
•   Working with ColdFusion Data Sources
•   Walkthrough 1:  Configuring ColdFusion
Module 3:  Getting Started with ColdFusion Builder
•   Understanding the Relationship between Eclipse and ColdFusion Builder
•   Exploring the ColdFusion Builder Interface
•   Creating a project and your first application
•   Debugging Applications
•   Accessing help in ColdFusion Builder
•   Using Advanced Features
•   Walkthrough 1:  Creating a Project
Module 4:  Learning ColdFusion Fundamentals
•   Creating ColdFusion Variables
•   Walkthrough 1:  Creating Local Variables
•   Using variables from HTML forms
•   Displaying variable values
•   Walkthrough 2:  Outputting variables to the screen
•   Commenting Code
•   Branching with IF statements
•   Walkthrough 3:  Using conditional logic
•   Reusing code with
•   Walkthrough 4:  Using
Module 5:  Publishing Database Content
•   Connecting to a Database
•   Querying a Database Table
•   Viewing Debug Data
•   Dumping a Recordset to a Browser
•   Walkthrough 1:  Creating a query and dumping the data
•   Displaying Database Data
•   Walkthrough 2:  Displaying Database Data
•   Using the Resultset Structure Data
•   Introducing CurrentRow
•   Using URL Data in Dynamic Queries
•   Walkthrough 3:  Building a dynamic query
•   Creating Dynamic SQL for Multiple Search Criteria
•   Query Parameters and Caching
•   Walkthrough 4:  Add query params and caching
Module 6:  Working with Complex Variable Types
•   Using ColdFusion functions
•   Walkthrough 1:  Displaying the current date
•   Looping over data
•   Working with lists
•   Walkthrough 2:  Working with lists
•   Working with Arrays
•   Walkthrough 3:  Displaying information using an array
•   Working with structures
•   Walkthrough 4:  Using an array of structures
Module 7:  Introducing ColdFusion Components
•   Reusing code
•   Using Custom Tags
•   Walkthrough 1:  Using Custom Tags
•   Creating User Defined Functions
•   Walkthrough 2:  Searching for content using a User Defined Function
•   Introduction to components
•   Walkthrough 3:  Creating a Component
Module 8:  Introduction to Object Oriented ColdFusion
•   Creating Instance Based Components
•   Caching Instances in memory
•   Walkthrough 1:  Create a component
•   Understanding Component Variables and Scopes
•   Walkthrough 2:  Creating a constructor with arguments
•   Adding methods to a component
•   Using property getters and setters
•   Walkthrough 3:  Adding methods and properties
Module 9:  Using the Application Framework
•   Addressing the Web's Statelessness
•   Using the Application Framework
•   Configuring Application Settings
•   Walkthrough 1:  Configuring application settings
•   Working with ColdFusion's scopes
•   Handling Application Events
•   Walkthrough 2:  Handling Application Events
•   Handling Request Events
•   Walkthrough 3:  Responding to Request Events
•   Locking Shared Scope Variables
•   Handling Session Events
•   Using Session Events
•   Using onServerStart() and applicationStop()
Module 10:  Tags Galore
•   Using
•   Walkthough 1:  Adding a map
•   Using
•   Walkthrough 2:  Creating a Spreadsheet
•   Creating PDF files with
•   Walkthrough 3:  Creating a PDF file
•   Using
•   Walkthrough 4:  Adding CAPTCHA to a form
•   Using
•   Walkthrough 5:  Adding video
•   Working with
•   Walkthrough 6:  Adding data validation to a form
•   Working with the File System -
•   Walkthrough 7:  Adding images to an application
•   Sending electronic mail with
•   Walkthrough 8:  Generating mail
•   Using
•   Using
CHAPTER 1:  Flash CS6 Jumpstart
Highlights:  Creating, Opening, and Saving Flash Files, Flash Workspace, Flash Tools
CHAPTER 2:  Getting Started with the Drawing Tools
Highlights:  Drawing Modes, Drawing Tools, Adding Text and Filters, Working with Colours, Transforming Graphics and Gradients
CHAPTER 3:  Using Symbols and the Library
Highlights:  Creating Symbols, Using Symbols, Modifying Symbol Instances, Duplicating and Swapping Symbols
CHAPTER 4:  Advanced Tools
Highlights:  Working with Gradients, Advanced Drawing, Spraying, and Masking, Deco Tool
CHAPTER 5:  Creating Basic Animation
Highlights:  Frames, Keyframes, and the Timeline Layers, Building Animation with Tweens, Motion Editor
CHAPTER 6:  Advanced Animation
Highlights:  Copying, Pasting, and Saving Animation, Easing Behavior and Animating Masks, Creating Animation with IK Poses
CHAPTER 7:  Customizing Your Workflow
Highlights:  Customizing Workspace Layouts and Preferences, Guides and Alignment
CHAPTER 8:  Working with Imported Files
Highlights:  Importing Still Images, Swapping, Modifying, and Updating Imported Files, Importing Photoshop and Illustrator Files
CHAPTER 9:  Introducing ActionScript
Highlights:  The Code Snippets and Actions Panels, Adding Actions, Functions
CHAPTER 10:  Creating Navigation Controls
Highlights:  Working with Button Symbols, Adding ActionScript
CHAPTER 11:  Adding Sound to Your Movies
Highlights:  Importing and Inserting Sounds in your Movie, Controlling, Editing, Trimming and Looping Sounds, Introducing the SoundMixer
CHAPTER 12:  Introducing Movie Clips
Highlights:  Creating Movie Clips, Controlling Movie Clip Playback, Tweening Movie Clips, Adding Filter Effects to Movie Clips
CHAPTER 13:  Working with Video
Highlights:  Formats and Fundamentals of Flash Videos, Building Controls for Embedded Video, Working with Linked Video, Live Preview, Cue Points, and FLVPlayback
CHAPTER 14:  Delivering Your Final Movie
Highlights:  Publishing to the Web, Publishing for the Desktop with Adobe AIR, Publishing for Mobile Devices
Adobe Flex Topics
The Adobe Flash Platform
-   Flash Professional CS5
-   Flash Catalyst
-   Flash Builder 4 (Formerly Flex Builder 3)
-   Flex Builder 3/Flash Builder 4
-   Flash API
-   Additional Third-Party Frameworks
- Flash Player
- Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR)
- Flash Lite
- Adobe Media Server
- Adobe Media Server Alternatives
- ColdFusion
- LiveCycle Data Services
- BlazeDS
- Other Frameworks
- Distribution Features
- Collaboration Features
- ActionScript 3.0
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Deploying Flash Builder Applications
The Flash Builder Environment: An Eclipse Primer
Object-Oriented Programming
- Overview
- Classes
- Objects
- Properties
- Methods
- Events
- Class files in .swc format
- Inheritance
Introduction to ActionScript 3.0
- Overview and history of the Flash Player
- Variables
- Functions
- Constructor Functions
- Properties
- Running a Flex/Flash Builder Application
- Building the application using MXML
- Viewing the Generated ActionScript
- Building a release version of the application
Flash Builder Projects
- Project Structure
- Managing Projects and Project Properties
Working with Projects
- Importing Files into Projects
- Deleting Projects
- Importing Project in Project Folders
- Exporting Projects
- Switching Workspaces
- Importing Projects in .fxp Format
- Adding Packages and Importing assets
- Basic MXML code
- UMXML and the Code Editor
- Flash Builder Layout
- Creating a Layout with Containers
- The BorderContainer
- Group Containers, TabNavigator and Panel Containers
- Testing applications
- Components with MXML
- Custom Components
- Form Components
Styling the Application and its Components
o  Changing the Application Theme and Chrome
o  Inline Styles
o  Converting Inline Styles to CSS
o  CSS in an External Stylesheet
- ID Selectors
- Type Selectors
- StyleName or Class Selectors
- Namespace Selectors
- Descendent Selectors
- Pseudo Selectors
o  CSS Styles in the MXML file
View States
- Creating a component with View States
- Invoking View State Changes
Data Binding
- Simple Databinding
- Complex Databinding
- Two-Way DataBinding
- Inline ActionScript
- Event Handlers
- The LogIn Component
- The addEventListener Method
- Writing Event Handlers in Source mode
- Building a simple Form
- Validating Form data
- Adding simple data to forms
- Adding simple functionality to forms
Application Navigation
- View Stacks
- Navigating the ViewStack programmatically
- Changing the View Stack controller component
- Navigator Containers
Accessing Remote Data
- Flash Builder Remote Procedure Calls
- HTTPServices with MXML
- The Network Monitor
- Testing the HTTPService
- The lastResult Property
- HTTPService result and fault events
- HTTPServices with ActionScript
- HTTPServices with the new Service Wizard
- WebServices with MXML
- WebServices with the Service Wizard
Managing and Displaying Data
- The ArrayCollection Class
- Data models with a value objects
- The Flash Builder Debugger
- Displaying data in a DataGrid
- Managing data sets client-side
- Drop-In Item Editors
- Inline item editors
- Custom Components as an Item Renderer
Custom Events
Transitions and Effects
- Creating and applying an Effect
- Animating an Effect
Skinning Components
- The Spark Component Architecture
- Creating a Skin Class with MXML
- Applying a Skin Class to an Object
- Creating a Skin class by extending the Spark Skin Class
Debugging Applications
- Bin-Debug vs. Bin-Release
- Runtime errors
- Debugging The Application
- Fixing the Problem
- Trace Statements
- Using and Setting Breakpoints
- Conditional Breakpoints
- Watching the value of variables over time
- Watched expressions
- Multiple breakpoints and the Resume button
Custom Components
- The Flash Player
- Frames
- The Component Life Cycle and its phases
- Creating and instantiating a Simple Custom Component
- Complex components with MXML
- Custom component with ActionScript
Unit Testing
- Creating a Unit Test
- Writing the Unit Test
- Running a Unit Test
- Create an app that uses the tested class file
- Garbage Collection
- The Flex Profiler
- Detecting Memory Leaks
Overview of LiveCycle, BlazeDS
Remote Object Connections
Message Service
Flex/Flash Builder Resources